The astrological energy for March 2022 is one made for Fairytales as the planets Jupiter and Neptune, which rule imagination and miracles, host the sun and mercury this month bringing luck, optimism, and a belief that anything is possible. This month brings us a highly auspicious New Moon in Pisces, the once a year transit of a Sun/Jupiter rendezvous and the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere heralding the Astrological New Year. Check out the important astrological dates in March below to assist you in navigating the cosmos this month.

March 2 – New Moon in Pisces conjunct Jupiter, the planet of Luck and abundance – even if you’re not one who is into “intention setting,” do it anyway…YES, the energy for positive manifestation is THAT powerful with this new moon! (Suggested Crystal – Lapis Lazui)
March 3 – Mars and Venus conjunct Pluto as Moon enters Aries – This intense energy is not to be taken lightly. Be fearless about going after what you want – just make sure you’re choosing what you want wisely (Suggested Crystal – Apache Tears)
March 5 – Sun conjunct Jupiter (my absolute favorite day of the Year) Deemed by most astrologers as the “Luckiest Day of the Year” this date is sought after by many for planning weddings, business launches and large investment purchasing. Go BIG today – the energy is 5 stars all the way (Suggested Crystal – Pyrite and Sunstone)
March 6 – Venus conjunct Mars – this is the 2nd time these two lovers of the sky meet up, the first time being in February; but this time around Venus kisses Mars in the sign of Aquarius, known for making love not war. (Suggested Crystal – Sugilite)
March 13 – Sun conjunct Neptune – the sun lights up our inner yearnings and gives clarity to what has been hard for us to grasp – a good day for meditation or a spiritual practice. (Suggested Crystal - Aquamarine)
March 18 – Full Moon in Virgo – time to come down from the fluffy clouds of Pisces season; the full moon in Virgo energy grounds us back to earth and reminds us of the daily responsibilities we still have to accomplish. Be proud of all your hard work (Suggested Crystal - clear quartz)
March 20 – Sun enters Aries bringing Aries Season – the Spring Equinox and Astrological New Year – it’s the sprinter at the starting line…celebrate the energy of the fast and the bold - I dare you to do something fresh and exciting! (Suggested Crystal – Citrine)
March 21 - Mercury in Pisces conjunct Jupiter – The planet of communication meets the planet of wisdom and higher knowledge – A wonderful day for giving a speech, holding important meetings or teaching a class (Suggested Crystal – Blue Topaz)
March 22 – Mars square Uranus – plot twist!! Be ready for sudden changes and different directions (Suggested Crystal – Amazonite)
March 23 – Mercury conjunct Neptune – Intuition and imagination run high today – pay attention to your dreams (Suggested Crystal – Rainbow Moonstone)
March 28 – Venus conjunct Saturn – Time to check in with your relationships and values; where are things headed? Do your relationships align with your current values? Do they fit “the bigger picture?” It’s a make or break day moving forward (Suggested Crystal – Rose Quartz)
That’s a wrap for the month of March – April will be even more powerful as we come into the much anticipated Jupiter/Neptune merging and the semi-annual eclipse season. It’s truly a time for “leveling-up” in our lives so wishing you all the best on your adventures.
See you next month!
*Image credit to respective owner