November 2023 takes us out of the Fall eclipse season, but still has its fair share of intensity as we are still in the thick of Scorpio season, the sign of “death and re-birth.” As October was filled with fated events and circumstances, highlighting what we needed to see that was energetically out of alignment for us, November brings the intensity and drive to make the changes we need to in order to realign us to our highest and best path. Thankfully we have some positive transits as well to pacify some of this intense energy as we work though our transformation process and get ready to start our new adventures as we start Sagittarius season on the 22nd of November. Let’s take a look at the big transits for the month:
Nov. 4th – Saturn in Pisces goes Direct – Saturn turns direct at 0 degrees of Pisces which brings a very pure energy. This refresh lets us finally see results in the Pisces area of our chart that we have been striving for.
Nov. 8th – Venus moves in Libra - Venus naturally rules over love and money and Venus LOVES being in the sign of Libra! The next several weeks is a great time for romance, dating, socializing with friends, making any financial moves, or giving yourself of good “Glow up” aesthetically. Libras, Cancers, Taurus, and Scorpios can especially benefit from this transit.
Nov. 10th – Mercury moves into Sagittarius – Mercury in Sag allows us to broaden our horizons and expand our knowledge. If Mercury in the opposite sign of Gemini wants to crunch the numbers and see the facts, Mercury in Sag asks us to look at the “bigger picture.” Where have our perceptions about certain situations in our life changed? During this transit we tend to open our mind to new perspectives, adventures and possibilities.
Nov. 13th – New moon in Scorpio at 20 degrees. This will be an intense new moon as the new moon is conjunct Mars in Scorpio and opposed Uranus the planet of chaos as well. This sets up an extremely powerful week culminating with the Sun aligning with Mars on the 18th. This will be a VERY emotionally intense and unpredictable new moon with mars in its home sign lighting some serious fire to this energy. Although this new moon is intense, I do feel it’s a great manifestation moon because Mars rules over our desires and the moon rules over our emotions. When we align our emotions with our desires, we have a powerful manifestation concoction. With Saturn Direct, this is a powerful new moon to plant those seeds and literally take action to go after what you want! However, Uranus is the wild card planet of the zodiac, so anything goes as to how these newly planted seeds might actually manifest into your life.
Nov. 18th – Sun conjunct Mars – a transit that only happens once every two years, when the Sun aligns with Mars we open a new cycle to accessing our Mars energy. This gives a new beginning to how you go after what you want! Are going to continue sitting on the sidelines or are you all in?
Nov. 22nd – Sun enters Sagittarius – Happy birthday to all the Sagittarians! Occurring right before the Thanksgiving holiday in the US, tis the season for fun, socialization, miracles and positivity. Ruled by the planet Jupiter, the Santa Claus of the zodiac, we spend the next several weeks transported to new adventures of toys, decorations, winter wonderlands, hot coca and chestnuts roasting on an open fire. Yes, the holiday season has officially arrived.
Nov. 24th – Mars enters Sagittarius – Mars in the fiery adventurous sign of Sagittarius is ready to officially take that leap of faith, make that gamble and shoot for the stars as his new chapter and story awaits him!
Nov. 27th – Full Moon in Gemini – occurring at 4 degrees of Gemini, opposing Mars and trine Pluto, the answers finally come as to how we can make our desires obtainable and at the same time, creating a deep transformative healing to our quest.
Those are the big transits for November – see you next Month!
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