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September's Astrological Energy Forecast

Updated: Oct 12, 2023

We are dipping our toes into Autumn as September has finally arrived and the Fall Equinox is close at hand. For all of you located in the states, I hope you are enjoying this summer holiday. Virgo season is officially here as we celebrate putting an emphasis on our overall health and wellness. With 7 planets retrograde, we are officially on an inward journey of healing, re-assessing, and empowerment as Pluto still squares off with the nodes of Destiny for the rest of this year. July and August were tough energetically with Big Daddy Saturn and ruthless Pluto hitting our summer's Cancer and Leo placements so if you had a bit of a challenging couple of months, September does look a little lighter and better - especially since the hard hits of Saturn and Pluto are now behind us.

September opens up with Venus, the planet of Love, Money, and what we Value, FINALLY going direct in the sign of Leo after back-tracking since July 22nd and showing us where it's time re-evaluate our relationships, money stories, and self-worth. This is a breath of fresh air (especially for all the Leos, Taurus', Scorpios and Aquarius') but just HOURS after Venus turned Direct on the 3rd, Jupiter, the social planet of wisdom, expansion and cultural beliefs, turned retrograde today! YEP - retrograde season still isn't over but Jupiter and Venus changing directions (meaning they have "stationed") is powerful energy for helping us to heal Venus stories by looking at our limiting beliefs and cultural programming.

Mercury, the planet of our thoughts and communication, is also deep into his 3rd retrograde cycle of the year as well, so if you notice a lot of Looping thoughts this month, his back-track in the sign of Virgo is bringing some attention to something that needs to be analyzed a bit further. Mercury will join Venus in the DIRECT forward motion the day after the New Moon so things will start to move forward and more smoothly around the second half of the month. If you have noticed a lot of delays, frustrations, mis-communications, and set-backs - have patience - we're in an energy of "receiving" rather than an energy of "doing."

As I mentioned, retrograde season allows us a time to sit back, be still, go inward and re-assess before choosing to take action and go galloping off into the sunset. Get ready though because the fall Eclipse portal opens mid-way through this month so it's almost time to mount that horse and get ready for fated and karmic re-sets that this upcoming Fall eclipse season will bring. Check out the major alignments for this month below:

Sept. 3rd - Venus goes Direct after 40 days of retrograde motion. We now have a better idea of who we are, what we want and desire and even more-so what we don't desire. Let go of what and who has held you back as you only deserve the BEST!

September 4th - Jupiter goes Retrograde - time to forget about what other people think or society says, "follow your Heart" (Venus) as she is pointing you in the right direction.

September 8th - Sun trine Jupiter - A positive influence for overcoming setbacks, this transit allows us to feel a little more optimistic and hopeful. Mark this day for potential lucky encounters and opportunities.

September 14th - New Moon in Virgo opens the Eclipse Portal - The New Moon in Virgo is a powerful manifestation portal forming a gorgeous Grand Earth Trine and allowing whatever seeds we plant to bloom with ease and grace if we take practical everyday steps in the direction we desire. Neptune also comes in with this New Moon to spread a little magic and Pixie dust on our intentions to assist us in making our dreams come true.

September 15th - Mercury goes Direct in the sign of Virgo - Mercury is the ruler of the New Moon and the fact it goes Direct just hours after this positive lunation is very good news for all things communication, business and travel related. This also brings more forward momentum to the intentions we set during this new lunar cycle.

September 17th - Venus Square Jupiter - The two benefic (lucky and positive) planets in the sky touch base to remind us to follow our heart and do what we want rather than succumbing to outside influences. Pay attention to who or what shows up for you surrounding this day.

September 23rd - Sun enters the sign of Libra bringing Libra season and the Fall Equinox - Happy Birthday Libras. The Equinox occurs when there is equal time between day and night. This is a time when we shift from the "RECEIVING" element of EARTH to the "DOING" element of AIR. Finally, are getting the forward momentum "Go ahead" from the Cosmos.

September 29th - Full Moon in Aries - With the lunation occurring on the "Me vs. We" axis of Libra and Aries, this full moon will show us through our interactions with another or others where our ego might need to take a back seat OR something important about our own personal identity.

Those are the major placements for September - see you all next month!

*Image credit to respective owner


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